With a long history, it is the first mining university in Chinese history as well as the earliest higher college in Henan province. Its…
Structural engineering Construction of residential porches, decks and balconies are among the most severely loaded portions of a home, yet are less redundant, more exposed…
Bridges, Airports, Highways, And Roads. Each of these is a vital piece of everyday life. Parts that wouldn’t be possible without the hard work of…
Projeto de Estruturas Newton O Novo Parque de Exposições de Braga abrirá as portas no segundo semestre de 2018. Braga será um novo destino para…
Newton, vencedora na categoria melhor projeto de engenharia 2015. Cerimónia de entrega do prémio no hotel Marriott, em Lisboa.
No passado mês de Maio, a Newton convidou a ordem dos Engenheiros a visitar o terminal